Despite we have separate demo import for each demo variant, it is still one theme, where you can have combination of those demo variants home pages and layouts.

At first you should define what menu variant and most demo you need. Per example you want to have horizontal drop down menu like in Boutique version, but some blocks of Cessory home page demo. In this case you should import Boutique demo from oneclick demo import. Then to see how Cessory or Floris home page content built. 

I've attached 3 files in this article, each file name related to demo variant. You should create regular WordPress pages, and insert those files content into text area. See a picture below.  If you need part of all 3 demos variants, you should create 3 test pages, and enter content of those 3 pages separately.

Because these content are copy from our demo sites, images, products, categories won't be visible on your webpage, because they don't exist on your website. So you can change product, categories, images in these shortcodes to existing ones. A purpose of these steps to aim you to get exact structure of shortcodes like in our demos.